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    (914) 400-1900

    The process of enrolling into publicly funded health and human services programs can be tedious and frustrating. The FEEA™ solution was designed to streamline this process and reduce the administrative costs associated with determining eligibility and tracking enrollment and recertification.

    Key Features

    • Calculates eligibility based on state and federal guidelines for publicly funded health care programs
    • Collects and stores all data and scanned documents for processing of completed applications
    • Provides detailed management reports so application status and life-cycle can be tracked
    • Generates required enrollment forms based on the program(s) for which an individual is applying

    Other Features

    • Provides internal data validation to ensure the accuracy and completion of submitted applications
    • Exports data and images and generates required forms for electronic transmission to government agencies
    • Facilitates the electronic transmittal of enrollment data between offices within an organization
    • Allows for the capture of additional information as notes, critical to making accurate eligibility determinations
    • Retains member enrollment data for generation of recertification or re-enrollment applications
    • Eliminates costly paper applications and forms